
职称:助理教授 办公室:明德主楼936 email:jiayanan@ruc.edu.cn 研究方向:农业经济学、资源环境经济学、生态经济学个人简介
2022年,博士,农业、食品与资源经济系(经济系Dual major),密歇根州立大学 (Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University)
“Dairy Sector Consolidation, Scale, Automation and Factor Biased Technical Change: Working through Get Big or Get Out.” Feng, H., D.A. Hennessy, Y. Jia, M. G.S. McKendree, and C. Wolf. Choices, 33(4th Quarter 2018).
Will Tests Lead to More Informed Antibiotics Use? An Application in Veterinarian Diagnostic Decisions.
Economics of Informed Antibiotic Management and Judicious Use Policies in Animal Agriculture.
Do Large Dairy Farms Use More Antibiotics?
Quantitative assessment of factors influencing antibiotic prescribing in companion animals: A regression approach based on Dirichlet distribution.
Bt corn, insecticide use and resistance trend in the United States.
2018-2022: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, USA
2022: Center for Behavioral and Experimental Agri-environmental Research 2022 Virtual Seminar Series
2021: Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, Virtual Conference
2020: International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health, Virtual Conference; 6th World One Health Congress, Virtual Conference
2018: One Health and Food Safety conference, Germany; ERS & Farm Foundation Workshop on Challenges to Changing Antibiotic Use in Food Animal Production, USA; One Health and Food Safety 5th International One Health Congress, Canada.